SharpReading BLOG

Thoughts About Teaching Reading


Follow-Up Activities

This can be the really fun part of follow-up reading activities. A good story, that has been properly processed and understood, should have created a vivid impression on the imagination of the reader. To invite the reader to grapple further with the ideas in the text; to cre...
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NARRATIVE TEXT      When the reader takes apart a story that they have read, looks at it through their own eyes and then puts it back together again, they take ownership for the information and the ideas. Examples from our resources ask the reader to GRAP...
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LEVEL 3 of BLOOM'S TAXONOMY     One example of a Level 3 Bloom’s Taxonomy activity is to get the student to take the information they have read in a non-fiction text and transform it or rework it in another way. Personalising facts into a story lik...
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The second level of Bloom’s Taxonomy (Understanding) requires the reader to show that they can interpret the literal message they have read.Here are two activities that are particularly appropriate for non-fiction text.1. Draw a Picture of ...Creat...
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LEVEL 1 of BLOOM'S TAXONOMY     This is the most basic level of processing information; answering ‘right there’ literal comprehension questions, requiring the reader to remember a fact or be able to revisit the text and find it. In days gone by readers wer...
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During my time in the classroom I have spend a huge amount of time thinking aIn the middle and upper primary school, follow-up activities are an organisational necessity if you want to be able to spend time doing the real work - guided reading with small ability groups.Here ...
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As you probably know,  I am in fact an advocate for the use of follow-up activities in the classroom reading programme - I have spent much time and energy devising them - BUT there is a strong case put forward by teachers and educationalists which has to be r...
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