SharpReading School-wide in your School 2024

Run a Trial in your School

Find out whether this approach is right for your school

Nominate two (or more) of your Year 3-8 teachers

What does a 'trial' include?

  1. Your teachers attend a 4-hour or 2 x 2-hour Start-Up Webinar
    We have webinars scheduled twice a term. If the dates and times don't suit we will do this on-demand as it suits you.
    Webinar Content:
    An introduction to our approach to comprehension instruction
    Practice with our two guided reading routines
    You will be ready to make a start in your classroom the next day!

  2. 12 months access to the Stage 3 ONLiNE Course

  3. A 30-minute FREE Zoom follow-up meetings (normally $140 per hour) where your teachers can debrief, problem solve, and get answers to their questions.

    We will ensure that they get any additional support they require to make this trial work for your school. The school can then make an informed decision about whether to roll this out for the whole school.

    COST:  Term 1 Special Offer $155 +GST (Normally $195 + GST)

    SharpReading Stage 3 "Teaching Reading Comprehension" is the foundation for our approach to comprehension instruction. It assumes that students have developed a level of automatic word recognition; the working memory is now freed up from decoding challenges and available to focus on processing the meaning WHILE reading.
    We start with the language comprehension skills (Scarborough's Rope) and then add in metacognitive strategies for solving comprehension challenges. NB: Stages 1&2 are NOT a prerequisite for Stage 3.

Request a Trial in your school NOW!

Fill in the form and submit

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Message Sent. We will contact you by email ASAP to discuss this further.


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