The Struggling Older Reader ONLiNE Course

Getting Those Struggling Readers Back on Track

SEVENPLUS - A simple 10 week intervention that works!
And then a transition back into a 'normal' guided reading program.

Every classroom has them, those 8-15 year olds who never got to decoding fluency and are slowly drifting further and further behind their peers. 

This course has been designed to address these needs. With just a few hours of online study you can master our two simple routines and integrate them into your normal reading rotation or slot them into your program as a 15 minute group withdrawal.

A key component of this course is our 8-10 week intervention (SevenPlus) that will get these students over the decoding hump, and then we show you how to transition your rejuvenated readers back into a more traditional guided reading program.

Our approach is based on reader SUCCESS ... such an important ingredient for these success deprived students.

"I've been teaching for 30 years and I'm a literacy specialist and yet I have learned a lot!".

Annamarie, Principal, Rotorua.

This Course Gives You...

Clear, Concise Step-by-Step Learning

We carefully guide you through the two separate teaching routines, SevenPlus (an intervention) and The 5 Bits (the transition).  Each routine has an overview unit which explains our methods, how to identify students, and how to select appropriate resources from the supply that we provide. This is followed by a unit dedicated to explaining, modelling and practicing the routine. 

All the resources you need for assessment and teaching are included as downloadable files.

At-Your-Own-Pace Flexibility

Twelve months access to the course means you can plan to hit it hard in a short space of time or concentrate on SevenPlus and come back to 'The 5 Bits' when you are ready.

WEBINARS and WORKSHOPS - For those that want to get immersed quickly, then our start-up workshops and webinars will get you established with SevenPlus and show you where 'The 5 Bits' fits in.

Everything You Need is Included

  • Screening tests to identify students and appropriate texts
  • Levelled text  for a 10 week intervention
  • Teaching Scripts support your delivery of the routine.
  • Templates for planning and data collection are all provided. 
  • Downloadable Course Book - an at-your-fingertips reference for the classroom.

    Expert Video Samples of the Teaching

    We put you in the driver's seat as we show you what to do with real classroom footage. Subtitles and important notes make it very easy for you to process and adopt our structured routine.

    We are continually being told that these video models are what makes this training a winner.

    A Learning Pathway for your Students

    We give you specific guidelines for what you should teach your struggling reader and what comes next. The overriding consideration is that student must never be overwhelmed by new learning so we insist on one thing at a time with lots of practice until the student is ready for something more ... and that something more is carefully laid out for you.

    A person running up steps to indicate that we have a step by step approach to developing reading ability


    Seeing the confidence coming back in your students and a renewed willingness to tackle reading is an intensely satisfying moment for any teacher of reading. 

    A person running up steps to indicate that we have a step by step approach to developing reading ability

    "Once they realise that there is a routine and that routine is the same every day, they are much happier to take part and take risks."

    Maria, Year 5 teacher.

    Feel Confident that there IS Something You can do!

    If you are a teacher anywhere across the age range of 8-15 year-olds you may be well removed from art of basic reading instruction and talk of phonics is like being introduced to a new language.  But you are very aware of those students in your class who do not have the reading skills they need to progress across the curriculum and you can see their motivation and feeling of self-worth about learning draining away

    You need something but you are time poor and can't commit to any extensive study on the subject. 

    This course will give you answers. We will share our insights into the most common problem these readers face and some simple but very effective tools that you can pick up and put into action very quickly.

    It may not work for everyone, but we have some pretty compelling data gathered over the last 6 years that says it will make a difference for many.

    Course Overview

    Start your course at any time – all year round.


    GST will be added to NZ purchases.



    Each unit requires 45 minutes of reading and processing time.



    Each unit requires some classroom practice. Allow for 1 unit per week. 

    5 weeks


    Video examples showing you how to teach and improve the reading routine.



    12 months access. Plenty of time to review your new learning.

    12 months


    Working online means you can
    start the course at any time.


    Access to students for practice is desirable.
    Some computer skills and Internet access needed.
    There are no prerequisites for this course.

    What People Say About 'The Struggling Older Reader'.

    SevenPlus Makes a Difference!

    "The impact has been huge! Our struggling Year 6 students from last year have been 'normalised'. The Year 7 teachers are saying that they are slotting into the Year 7 program (junior secondary) without the need for extra specialist reading help."  

    Course Writers - Your Tutors

    Hilton Ayrey

    Hilton and Chuck began collaborating on this project in 2015, bringing together their expertise to provide a solution to this perennial problem of the reader who struggles to make progress in reading and gets further and further behind.

    Chuck's work as a Resources Teacher of Literacy meant many hours working with these students, formulating activities that made a difference. Hilton brought his experience of developing tightly structured routines to help the teacher deliver lessons that encourage and empower these learners. The result is our SevenPlus Intervention which we are both very proud of. We are both constantly delighted by the feedback that we receive on its efficacy.

    Chuck Marriott

    Although the course is stand-alone training we are always available to discuss your training during your 12 months access to 'The Struggling Older Reader'. For face-to-face introductions you can register for our webinars and workshops and also negotiate in-school support.





    I'm Ready To Purchase

    Making a start to your training is only minutes away.

    Click on the BUY NOW button below to be taken to SharpReading ONLINE to fill in your details. Once your payment has been processed you will automatically be connected to your online course.

    PAY on INVOICE Option​

    To purchase courses for a number of teachers school wide or if you don't have access to a school credit card.

    Do You Need a PREVIEW?

    Sign yourself In and have a look NOW!

    Put your NAME and EMAIL address into the box opposite and click SUBMIT and you will be taken inside the Struggling Older Reader ONLiNE Course.

    This is an opportunity to take a good look at the course and actually see how it is structured, the type of content you will have access to, (including the resources) and get a feel for the training you will be purchasing.

    The links to downloads will not be connected but you will easily be able to imagine the value of this course for advancing your teaching career.

    Remember when you complete the course you will be sent a personalised certificate.

    Got More Questions about the Struggling Older Reader ONLiNE Course?

    Contact us now by clicking the button below


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